Random Number Generators
A Simple Number Generator and a Comprehensive Number Generator are both tools used to create random numbers within specified ranges. Let's explore the differences between them:
1. Simple Number Generator:
- This version generates random integers. You can set the lower and upper bounds for the range of numbers you want.
- It can handle very large integers, even up to a few thousand digits.
- For example, if you need a random integer between 1 and 100, this generator can provide it for you¹.
2. Comprehensive Number Generator:
- The comprehensive version can create both random integers and random decimals.
- It allows you to specify the precision (number of decimal places) you want.
- You can deal with very large numbers, up to 999 digits of precision.
- Whether you need a whole number or a decimal, this tool has you covered¹.
Both types of generators assume that the generated numbers are independent of each other. In other words, each number is chosen without any discernible pattern or influence from previous numbers. However, the pool of numbers may follow a specific distribution. For instance, the heights of students in a school tend to follow a normal distribution around the median height.
Remember that these generators are pseudo-random, meaning they're based on algorithms and not truly random. They're suitable for most applications but should not be used for cryptographic purposes. True random numbers rely on physical phenomena like atmospheric noise or quantum effects¹.
(1) Random Number Generator - Calculator.net. https://www.calculator.net/random-number-generator.html.
(2) Random Number Generator | Good Calculators. https://goodcalculators.com/random-number-generator/.
(3) Best Random Number Generator. https://numbergenerator.org/randomnumbergenerator.
(4) Random numbers generator | Basic Calculators. https://basiccalculators.com/generators/numbers.
(5) Random Number Generator — Calculator.iO. https://www.calculator.io/random-number-generator/.